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How I create team and cross-functional harmony with agile best practices

Time is the most important asset.  Here's just a little glimpse on how I help teams define a strategy, optimize team productivity, and help others prioritize on the right things!

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Define a vision & enablement strategy

Often times support teams find themselves just reacting to requests. By defining a team charter and quarterly roadmaps, I've been able to help teams become more proactive and more productive. Most importantly, I've helped them focus on the right priorities. This charter was created by first hosting a cross-functional planning session with various sales leadership, biz ops, biz marketing, and product marketing to identify enablement priorities.  In addition, I've always established shared goals with cross-functional teams to drive further alignment.

Image by Samantha Gades

Prioritize your team's work

In addition to defining an annual charter, I've helped teams define a quarterly roadmap and adopt sprint planning. The biggest challenge is prioritizing the enablement focus for each quarter.

I've used a methodology commonly used by Product Managers called RICE. This method entails prioritizing initiatives based on reach (estimated number of people impacted), impact (based on a rating scale to estimate impact to revenue or productivity), confidence (your confidence in your reach & impact estimates), and effort (the level of effort required to execute initiative successfully).

Image by Sarah Dorweiler

Reflect on the past to grow in the future

Retrospectives and other agile methods have made a HUGE impact on helping form a cohesive team!  I've leveraged retrospectives to help team's reflect on things big or small. I conduct quarterly retrospectives to help teams to reflect on what's working, what's not, actions we will take to make things better, and most importantly take a moment to celebrate each other. I've also used retrospectives to run deal reviews, review GTM activations, and so much more!

Image by Marvin Meyer

Create a working agreement to help teams work better together

Often times, teams struggles to work together because they haven't taken the time to define HOW to work together.  I've used working agreements to help team's define how they want to communicate, share feedback, make decisions, deal with conflict, and even celebrate each other.

Image by Hello I'm Nik

Streamline decision making for big and hairy cross-functional decisions

Getting everyone to agree on a decision especially with the stakes are high and there are a lot of stakeholders is never easy. That's why for big, cross-functional decisions, I often use this RAPID framework to help define roles and responsibilities of decision makers to create clarity and streamline the decision making process.

Image by Thanos Pal

Help people navigate their career

I've built many teams from ground up and in addition, I've defined career ladders and career planning exercises to help people navigate their careers. In particular, this retrospective exercises helps your team learn what they want to do next or how to pivot in a current role. It's ideal for those that are new in their career as well as though who having a career crisis.

As I reflect over the past year, the things that stand out to me are the times where Negar proactively advocated on my behalf - things I've never known a manager could or would do for me. From giving public praise for my role in projects, giving me the voice and platform I need in XFN meetings to get things done, to helping support my promotion, all the way to advocating/pushing for me to have confidence in myself and be a thought leader in the Enablement space. Negar has opened doors for me that I've struggled my entire career to overcome, and for that I'm forever grateful to have as a role model, and to pay it forward as I become a manager myself.

Ashley Crisostomo, Sr. Enablement Program Manager at Reddit

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